Data Object Manager: Data Table

To access this screen:

Use this panel to view the contents of the selected data object. You can't edit data table contents here.

Selecting an object from the list on the left of the panel automatically updates the contents of this panel. Once a data table is displayed, you can use the toolbar icons above:

Import Data Display the Data Import screen to import data using the a Data Source Driver (DSD).
Export Data

Display the Data Export screen to export the selected file using a DSD.

Refresh Data Refresh the currently selected object. See Data Refresh
Refresh All Data Refresh all loaded data objects.
Reload Data Reload the currently selected object. See Data Reload.
Unload Data Remove the selected object from memory. Note that this does not remove the file from the project, or affect physical files.
Combine Objects Display the Combine Data Objects screen to join objects together.
Extract From Object Select a property or properties of an object to extract. Displays the Extract Data Object screen.
First Record Move to the first record of the table.
Previous Record Move to the previous record of the table.
Next Record Move to the next record of the table.
Last Record Move to the last record of the table.
Search Find a value in the table.
Find Next Find the next instance of the previously searched value.
Find Previous Find the previous instance of the previously searched value.
Definition Viewer View the data definition of the selected object using the Definition Viewer.
Export to Excel Export the loaded data to an installed Excel application. If the row count exceeds Excel capacity, it will display as many records as it can.
Grid Format Options Display the Data Table Format screen to change the appearance of the table grid.

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